Si You pedal through green vegetation for several kilometres, along the banks of the River Gesso, through woods and fields both farmed and fallow.

Pedalling on the right-hand bank of the river, after Cascina Tallone you come to the railway line, which takes you to Borgo San Dalmazzo train station, where the Deportation Memorial is located. During the Second World War in fact, a Nazi-Fascist concentration and deportation camp was set up here. From the station, you then head towards the old town centre, where you can visit Pedona Abbey. Foodies will be interested to learn that Borgo is famous for its snail farming. And that’s the first 15 km already done.

The last 12 kilometres of this circular route go through the eastern part of the Park, following the signs that lead back to Cuneo alongside the other River, the Stura di Demonte. You then return at a leisurely pace to Cuneo via the hamlets on the outskirts of the city, poetically known as ‘Tetti’.